Sunday 6 February 2011

Pop poppet (and film star!) Justin Bieber tells us ten reasons why it's 'fun to be him'

10. It's good to be a pop star without having to audition for Steven Tyler. 
9. I'm briefed each morning by the CIA. 
8. Cross me and I'll have 50,000 screaming girls come to your house and mess you up. 
7. When I'm sick, my doctor makes hilarious jokes about "Bieber Fever". 
6. The chance to visit The Late Show and my idol, Paul Shaffer. 
5. At the barber shop I can say "give me the Me". 
4. For joke 4, go see "Justin Bieber: Never Say Never," in theaters February 11th. 
3. Looking forward to starring in my CBS show, "CSI: Bieber". 
2. If I tweet "I just sneezed" a billion people will tweet "Gesundheit". 
1. Reading my fan mail from Letterman. 

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